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Bocanegra is being featured in a new voyeuristic documentary series about titillating sexual and erotic experiences. The show will air on a major network.


We’re casting members who are comfortable being on camera while attending our masquerade. The Masquerade will feature all the usual attributes such as multiple playrooms, BYOB, erotic performers, etc.


Filming will take place on Saturday, February 5th from 9 pm to 2 am. You will only be on camera in the background. You may keep your masquerade mask on throughout filming.

You must apply as a couple or single woman to attend. If you're selected, you will be sent more information via email and a link to purchase your ticket. Tickets for this masquerade will be 50% off the original price. Please read about our protocols and details for what to expect below before applying.


Vaccinated testing protocols:

Each vaccinated person will need to show proof of vaccination to Production/Axiom Medical. They can get a rapid antigen test done on site when they show up as these test results come back within 5 minutes. 


Unvaccinated testing protocols:

If someone is not vaccinated and they are wanting to attend our film shoot, they will need to get a PCR test done 24-72 hours prior to the event - NOT THE SAME DAY OF THE EVENT. They would either need to come to Axiom Medical’s address in Burbank between the hours of 7:30 AM and 5 PM to get tested under the show name for free (show pays for it) or as a secondary option, they get their own standard PCR test to get the result prior to showing up to the event. They would need to share those results with us before being allowed in. Please note: The PCR test bit is the most important bit. It HAS to be a PCR test. We do not accept any other test for unvaccinated folks on this specific show. 

Appearance Release:

Our Production company has standard appearance releases that everyone who will be on camera will need to sign. This release basically states that we can show this individuals face on camera and they are aware that there is a film crew around them. Appearance release=consent. We’re all about consent!


Pence Forms:

This form indicates that every single person we see on camera during filming is over the age of 21. We strictly do not allow for anyone under the age of 21 years of age to be filmed. To complete this form completely, we will need a valid ID from each person to put down their legal name, DOB, and their signature stating that the information listed is true. 

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